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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  December 24, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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christmas for millions of americans. a winter storm system moves east just in time to disrupt the holidays. the done control debate heats up in the wake of the sandy hook shooting. gun rights advocates push back to restrict firearm sales. >> it's not going the make any kid safer. we've got to get to the real problem, the real causes, and that's what the nra is trying to do. and thousands of americans raise their voices this holiday and thousands of americans raise their voices this holiday season. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" on december 24, 2012. good morning. we begin with a major storm that
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promises a white but treacherous christmas for parts of the midwest and northeast. the storm is expected to get stronger as it heads east. winter weather alerts and advisories are posted from texas to indiana. all this during one of the busiest travel days of the year. jeff at our miami station has more. >> well, this is shaping up to be a very stormy week across the united states. now, the good news is during the day today at least it should be fairly quiet. there'll be a small storm in the eastern part of the country producing a little light rain to the south and snow to north. the bigger issue is what happens on christmas day. across the southeast, we could be talking about a widespread severe weather outbreak and maybe numerous tornadoes nebras anywhere you see red from the eastern part of texas, mississippi, and georgia.
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on the good side we may see snow here. but on wednesday it moves to the great lakes where we could see over a foot of snow and wind gusts. obviously this is a very big travel week. now, to the debate over gun control. the national rifle association says the best way to prevent school shootings like the one in newtown, connecticut, is to put an armed police officer in every school. tara mergener with more. good morning. >> good morning. it's a controversial idea in the middle of an already emotional and heated debate now raging across the country. they marched across the brooklyn
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bridge asking for new gun control laws. there were demonstrations outside a gun shop in a washington, d.c., suburb. >> to allow these guns for no other purpose than to murder and slautder innocent people and children is insane. >> it's made it one of the hottest selling items of this christmas. >> two weeks ago you could have bought one gun for, you know, $1,400. now it's $2500, $2,700. >> the debate is just as heated here on capitol hill. the nra says it will fight any new restrictions. >> what every mom and dad will make them feel better, when they drop their kid off at school in january is if we have a police officer in that school. >> the reaction to that plan is mixed among parents we spoke with. >> i think any effort to protect our children is with it.
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>> no, no, we do not want people with guns in our school. >> senator dianne feinstein plans to present a bill banning assault weapons when they reconvene. there was a ban in place from 1994 until 2004. >> it hasn't worked. dianne feinstein had her ban and columbine occurred. >> others point out there was also an armed guard at columbine. now, rather than creating new laws, the nra says the federal government needs to do a better job enforcing the ones already on the books. >> thank you, tara mergener, in washington. now, there's one week till the fiscal deadline. the president and congress are on holiday break. the last best hope for a deal may rest in the senate. yesterday senator lindsey graham said he would vote for a revenue increase including a tax hike,
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but doesn't like it. >> hikes are part of the solution driven by the president but he's going to get tax rate hikes. to my republican colleagues, if we can prevent 99% of the americans from a tax hike, that's not an increase in my book. >> households between 50 and $75,000 will see a an increase of $2,399. meanwhile households of. overseas an attack on americans in afghanistan. police officer police officers, over 50 have been killed by police and soldiers this year. a british-based group said over 60 people were killed. yesterday's air strike was an
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apparent retaliation for new rebel offensive. elizabeth palmer visited the town in southern syria. >> reporter: conflict has engulfed syria over the past 21 months from one end of the country to the other, but so far it's barely touched the town in southern syria near the border with jordan. the people who live here are a religious group that's allied itself with president bashira a assad. the regime is anxious to showcase its community showing supporters willing to reinforce the line. it's a terrorist campaign by extremists. >> are you afraid they'll come here? >> of course we're afraid, the
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governor told me, if they don't stop. the conflict will come here. so far local authorities have kept it at baby supporting violent crackdowns on the slightest sign of anti-regime protests. the strategy worked because government critics in this community were always a vocal but small minority. it's made sway da an island of calm and a refuge. about 10,000 of the almost half a million people placed inside syria have been offered shelter by the local government. they're housed in a local summer camp about two miles from the center of town. we escaped here, says this grandfather, to keep our children safe. >> we want peace. >> reporter: this young man speaks for everyone when he says all we want is peace. they've got it for the moment. but with the battle now under way all around the town, this
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small enclave of stability looks very vulnerable. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, sway da. back in this country he says he's deeply sorry after being arrested for being under the influence. he's a republican. he was arrested after running a red light in virginia. there was no znlts. he is a mormon and he is in his third term in the senate. senator daniel inouye was buried yesterday in hawaii. inouye was a win ore of a medal of honor and was remembered as war hero. he was the first japanese-american elected to both houses of congress. inouye died monday. he was 88 years old. and coming up on the "morning news," holiday cheer. children get premtds from secret
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santas. this is the "cbs morning news." thank you. for what? when things were tough, you kept believing in me... you helped make this happen. thank you. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open heart collection at kay jewelers, the number one jewelry sto in america. there are millions of reasons to give on but the message is always the same. keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. you did it, daddy. we did it. ♪ every kiss begins with kay is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
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affected by superstorm sandy got early holiday cheer. santa came to one of the neighborhoods with all those present and this is a neighborhood hit by superstorm sandy. >> reporter: santa arrived for hundreds of kids still without a permanent home after superstorm sandy. sandy flooded 10-year-old magts you rosenhaus's basement. >> trying to get new things. the people who have been donating to get stuff have been awesome. >> her son started throwing out his toys and was so emotional about it and was so upset not understanding what he might have
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done, to have his toys thrown out. >> reporter: secret santa start an online source. some of the kids got their gifts here at this christmas party. 10-year-old michael caprio says christmas won't be the same now that his family lives in a small apartment. >> we can't have our normal everyday thing. >> reporter: but the parents say secret sandy is taking some of the disappointments away. >> we didn't expect special angels like this. >> reporter: the charity will collect donations all year long to benefit kids in hard hit areas. straight ahead, your christmas eve forecast. and in sports, the seahawks reign on the 49ers hopes of winning the division for a second year in a row.
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happy holidays from kabul, afghanistan. i'm major. i'm first class crist ter hyde. i'd like to say hello to my son tyler and daughter victoria, my mom and dad and friends in kentucky and new york. happy holidays. happy new year. love you. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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prego?! but bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] ♪(music playing) ♪(music playing) ♪(music playing) ♪(music playing) ♪(music playing) here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new york, afternoon clouds, 41.
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miami, partly sunny, 77. chicago, flurries, 35, dallas, partly sunny, 58, los angeles morning shower, 64. time now for a check of the national forecast. a storm developing in the deep south could lead to dangerous weather on christmas day from oklahoma to tennessee. the south will see scattered showers and thunderstorm. the west will see calmer weather. on "cbs moneywatch" holiday shoppers say bah humbug and little people make some big money at the box office. erica ferrari is here with more of that. good morning, erica. >> good morning. shoppers packed shopping malls but weren't in the spending spirit. they were not in the mood for shopping due to center storm sandy, the shooting, and the economy. hong kong finance issued half a
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fraction higher. tokyo's nikkei was closed. stocks stumbled on wall street and talks staaled on the fiscal cliff. the dow dropped nearly 121 points on friday while the nasdaq fell 29. as the americans hit the road for holiday travel, they'll be paying less at the gas pump. according to aaa, the national average is about 3.25 cents for regular. that's town 16 cents from a month ago. "the hobbit:an unexpected journey." took in $27 million. duarte? >> thank you, erica ferrari, here in new york. in sports the seahawks put a damper on the 49ers' plan of winning the midwest. they have a field goal block. it's scooped up by the seahawks
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richard sherman who brings it back for a touchdown. blows out san fran, 42-13. and the baltimore ravens are the champions of the afc north. the ravens get on the board first with a touchdown grab by torey. win. ass the giants for a 33-14 when we return, the holiday hit a high note. audiences around the world take part at an annual sing-a-long. ♪ oh, it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., afternoon rain, 44. atlanta, thunderstorm, 60. st. louis, clearing skies, 34. denver, afternoon snow, 37. seattle, morning showers, 44. it's a longstanding
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christmas tradition in new york city where thousands gather together to sing a famous piece of coral music. it's being celebrated to show the holiday spirit. tony guy da reports. ♪ >> reporter: all year long people fill new york's avery fisher's hall to listen to music. one night a year they come to sing. it's a christmas tradition. ♪ 2,000 people, strangers, uniting as a chorus to perform one of the most familiar pieces of music in the world, handel's
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"messiah." >> it has everything in it you can look forward to. melodic tunes, rich choruses, emotions, joy, interspekz and more. >> reporter: no wonder there are song-a-long messiah's across the world, much of them in the english-speaking world. ♪ halleluiah ♪ >> reporter: at the memorial church a few miles from avery hall the voices are smaller but spirits are just as strong. this was her first "messiah.
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. >> you just feel joy use and overwhelming. >> reporter: josh has been coming for decades as a cure for wintertime blues. >> i'm sheer deep down we're not sure that life's going to come back and what can bring back life better than music. >> a message of hope, absolutely. amen. >> reporter: amen. [ cheers and applause ] coming up after your local news on "cbs morning news," billy crystal and melissa tomei discuss their new movie "parental guidance." this is the "cbs morning news." it seems our angels have been busy building a new,
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stronger angel soft®. it's built with two softshield™ layers. stronger, holds up better, and still a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever.
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. good morning. welcome to 9news now. today is monday, december 24. christmas eve. we've been counting down to this day all year long. mike hydeck is off. so is monika samtani. howard bernstein is here. everybody is excited to hear
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what you have to say. tomorrow is going to be fine. it will be this afternoon and wednesday ugly days around here. in the mountains cold enough. could be a couple of problems there. some of you north and west may see a little sleet or wet snow. road temperatures should be warm enough. not expecting too many problems. here's a look at our day planner on this christmas eve. mostly cloudy skies. 32 in town. by lunch time 42, cloudy. could be a couple of showers, especially south and west. then looks like a wet afternoon and evening with the 5:00 temperature of 40. winds 5 to 10 miles an hour. moisture is coming in from the ohio valley, the tennessee valley all moving in our direction but it's still far away from us with a few breaks in the cloud cover. that's why we may start with a little bit of sun. there are winter weather warnings. on the other side of the divide, garrett county and the
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mountains of west virginia, that's a freezing rain advisory till 6:00 p.m. there will be some slick spots there. east of those areas, there may be some sleet or snow mixing in this afternoon. but with surface temperatures expected to be generally in the mid- to upper 30s north and west of town, whatever falls, even if it does come down as snow or sleet, it is not going to be sticking to the ground. currently 27 frederick. winchester 28. manassas 25. 30 on the bay in annapolis. liz is going to join us in a couple of minutes but right now i'm going to take you through your first look at timesaver traffic. 270 and montrose, check out that you need to go anywhere, now is the time. looking very good. very quiet on this christmas eve morning. both directions north and southbound are looking fine in montgomery county this morning. our next traffic camera takes us down in toward alexandria, 395 north of duke street.
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yes, that is 395 north of duke street. you get the idea that most people seem to be off of work this morning. again no problems there 395 and duke street. we have another stop for you. we'll come back. timesaver traffic either me or liz will have it for you at 4:39. right now back to andrea roane. it's been slightly more than a week since the newtown, connecticut school shootings. the impact it has had on our country is a renewed talk of gun control. politicians took to the airwaves debating gun control on the sunday political talk shows. matt jablow has the story. >> standing what is best for us and railing against what isn't. >> reporter: jim birch says the time has come at long last for america to stand up to the national rifle association. >> the national rifle association is here to sell weapons and to make money. >> reporter: and adopt
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meaningful gun control laws good we seem to honor the caliber of our weapon instead of the caliber of our character. >> reporter: the bishop of the catholic diocese, he led a small but passionate group of protesters outside nova firearms in falls church. >> we've seen this before. >> reporter: calling for starters for a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines in the bloody wake of the shootings at sandy hook elementary school. >> to allow these kind of guns that have no other purpose but to murder, slaughter innocent people and children is just insane. >> reporter: chuck nesbee completely disagrees fears a slippery slope towards a comprehensive gun ban. he says despite the tragedy at sandy hook elementary, he remained adamantly opposed to an assault weapons ban. >> i disagree with that. >> reporter: saying law abiding americans


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